“Where are all the women in apologetics?”
Over the last decade, I’ve been asked this question many times. Typically, the question arose because someone in the audience noticed that I was the only female speaker at that particular apologetics conference. I would assure the questioner that other women speakers existed in apologetics and I would begin to rattle off a list of names, including my colleagues at Houston Baptist University. I would then follow up with, “You’ll see, the women are there.”
Back in 2014, when Christianity Today ran the cover story, “The Unexpected Defenders,” about the women in apologetics, I began to realize that women in the field of apologetics just aren’t as well known. My understanding was confirmed over and over from experiences with female audience members who are searching for female apologist role models. It took awhile for this one fact to sink in: women are encouraged to engage in the life of the mind when they see other women doing so. And that is one reason why I’m grateful for the organization, Women in Apologetics.
Women in Apologetics is an organization dedicated to the promotion of female apologists across the world. According to their website, WIA’s “focus is to equip, encourage, and educate women in Christian apologetics.” They have “a passion for encouraging and equipping other women in the church who are interested in learning how to think more deeply and intelligently about their faith.” WIA just sponsored their first “Love God With All Your Mind” Apologetics conference that was fully staffed by female apologists.
In talking with some of the attendees, I heard story after story about how excited they were for this conference and how important it was to their lives! One woman told me she had taken my bible study, “Why Do You Believe That?” and became extremely interested in apologetics. When she saw this event advertised, she immediately booked her flight from Nashville to Los Angeles. She told me that this unique conference was so uplifting because of the worship, fellowship, and intellectual inquiry with a group of women.
If you’ve ever wondered “where are all the female apologists?” I recommend beginning with a look at the Women in Apologetics website!
Also, check out the WIA facebook page.
Thanks for sharing this, Mary Jo! You were the second woman in apologetics I ever heard of, so it’s very encouraging to learn there are more. I am looking forward to reading that article and taking a good look at the WIA website!